Friday, September 26, 2008

Ryan is shmokin ^^

a:hahaha dont you love my title?
l: Why your so funny (heavy on sarcasm)
a:you type slow you freak
l: says girl who licked yogurt off her leg. Sigh.
a: hahahahaha that was some tasty yum yums :)
l: I gagged, "GUH ROO US!" uh huh
a: i wuv ryan ^^
l: He's not a creeper so I guess that's alright, and you type slower than me sometimes!!!
a: only when me thoughts are stuck on how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND SWEET ryan is foo :P 
l: If alisha ever becomes a pussy cat doll i'm moving to canada. I'd rather listen to celine dion
a:stairs man...stairs kill
l: I hate fucking stairs man
a:totally.why dont we all just go to edina realty and buy a timeshare?
l:Boca here we come!!!
l: LOLZ!!!! We were high on love brownies. It's gonna be an awesome weekend
a: know ive been waiting a whole fucking week JUST for tonight :D:D:D:D im so psyched.ONLY TWO HOURS AND SIX MINUTES LEFT!!!!!
l: believe me I KNOW! Today was probably not the best choice to spend 4 AND A HALF HOURS WITH YOU.
a: please,you know you love me :) look,so sweet,so innocent! ^^
l:*currently beating head against table so can't make comment*
a: hahahaha landis' blood is painting the table
l: ummm I know ryan isn't a creeper but..... YOU ARE
a: dude,im pretty sure we established that like years ago.
a: where the hell is special k with my pot brownies?!?!?!?!
l:He is making us vegetarian dinner. HERE COMES THE SUN KING.
a: * alisha has no comment because she is currently gettin chapstick:)*
l: I'm cooler than her anyway
a:no you aint foo.i was upstairs getting my CHERRY FLAVORED CHAPSTICK!WHAT THE FUCK NOW?!
l:  We. Are. Trippin. Balls. (Landis loves harold and kumar go to white castle) 
a: we are the knights that say NII!
l:*landis has no comment because she is asking her dad if alisha can borrow monty python :P*
a: I.Like.Candy.Foo.
l: He says "I'll think about it" Alisha would make a could freak porn star.
a: *nods head*
l: that's the way it must be.
a:wtf wats happening to the world?
my knee has BONES in it.
like cameron's.
l: Creepy music!! Alanis Morisette is pretty okay :)
a: cute.
l: Freak
a:i can say it in asl too spaz monkey.wat now foo?
l: I'ts almost time for dinner. Alisha is drinking LOTS OF WATER (she's got mono)(again)
l: Whatever. sigh. 
a:i do NOT have mono with that.
l: I just don't know if I can. Alisha is a sheep
l: weirdo. I can't remeber why were best friends can you?
a: were not friends.
l: you sound stoned when you aww
L: stop sniffing the pens, your high enough
a:i dont shmoke
l: .... cigarettes.
a:i shnort.....
l: THATS FOR DAMN SURE! I love our play buddies:)
a: and ya they so coo :) mesa lovesa themsa
kiss my ass foo,you wish you was married to markus like me :P
l: umm not really didn't you see that lawsuit he filed against you for sexual harassesment?? He sounded surriouzzzz. :0
l: oh and stop trying to be gangsta. YOU ARE THE WHITE-EST PERSON I KNOW
l: alisha is "asleep" (which, as we all know, means zonked.) so this convo is over for now peace out everyone
a: Alisha sleep talked this "my merlin,your beard has grown quite long"
l: thats what I thought.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A treachery cause I'm cool :P

1. You are an awesome little person.
I love you and your awesome little ways.
Kk, well you're cool and deal with that or I'm gonna have to throw you in the pool.
2. When you're not being a backstabbing bitch you're pretty cool xD
3. I love how everything's cool between us. It's just really awesome. And I love it, so let's keep it that way, okay?? I love ya boob lady!
hee hee hee
4. You fucked up my life.
Hope you're happy.
You should be glad I don't make things worse for you.

5. Haha
curly fries
6. I miss you :(

7. I love ya to death
Sorry I have to lie to you :/
8. You know I love you :)
But I just wish I could spend more time with you.
:) you're pookie misses her honey bear a lot
9. I still have problems with you, whether you're on my side or not.
10. Why didn't you marry some really freaking awesome guy like Steven?
He's like the pimp of coolness.
Instead you married the guy that continues to make my life hell.
Oh, and also I appreciate how you don't seem to care that I am sitting here lost trying to find myself and you aren't even trying to help me with what I think I need to do.

Yo you yo yo yo!

Haha you know what the best part of this blog is?
Nobody reads it!
Just kidding.
I know people do.
But watever.
I'm random today cause my werewolf, vampire, tapeworm, and food baby is making me super hungry therefore I'm eating alot and the sugar is making me fucking hyper!!!!!!

So there's things that I would like to be able to talk about, but I don't know if I can because I can't really remember exactly who knows about my blog.
Oh well, screw them.
But today my mom's ex boyfriend( The quarterback-gag!) was meeting my mom up in Carlton and then they were going to Walmart to get my prego ass the stuff I want.
So I'm a little embarrased that he had to witness my mom buying all my....needs.
Not that anything was toooo embarrasing, but why the hell would I want my mom's ex that I've never met helping my mom pick me up my shit, right?
Oh well, but then they came back here and I met him, and I was prepared to hate him.
OMG I LOVE THAT GUY! Yeah, major turn of events, I know, but I loved that guy. He was awesome! Why my mom ever let him go I do not know...but that guy was like the bombshit.
He likes all the same kind of movies I do, we listen to similar music, we both do way too much running, and we have a similar sense of humor.
Oh, and he and I were talking about Knocked Up and Superbad together. Ha, he is the coolest fourty year ever. If I were old enough, I would like kidnap this guy and marry him.
Lol, I'm not that old though.
But he's also hot in that older guy way. Like how Brad Pitt is hot in that 'He's hot but I'm never gonna actually see him in that way cause he's actually this older guy that just looks a lot younger than he actually is' way, you know?
Ooooooh like Heath Ledger(may his sexy soul rest in peace and us that truly love him will remember him forever).

But That guy is awesome.
New subject.
Hmmmm.....ooh if Tyler knew about this blog I think he would be sad if I didn't mention him in it and tell everyone how I think he's shmexy.
Mhmm. He's my boyfriend, he's awesome, he's a good kisser.
New subject.

BOOOOOOOOOOB HICKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's my lil shout out to Hope.
I already did mine to Landis, where I talked about the FOUR FOURTHS BABY NOT FOUR HALVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I don't know what else to talk about because I could talk about the little...cough...juno situation
But I can't cause I dunno who will see this!!!!
Oh welllllll
Now everyone who was BEGGING me to blog has gotten their wish :)
ta ta
- alisha

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Year Gone

Guess what! Guess what! Guess what, guess what, GUESS WHAT! Lots of newses to reportses. Well, one is I FINALLY got my haircut. First one since November- Holy buckets of Farce, I know! There's a picture of my new hairstyle, you know, the one, big picture that's posted in this blog. And I got some of my hair dyed purple last night! I hope none of my friends see this blog til later cause I wanted it to be a surprise for when I get back to school. But if they do, they will have to swear not to tell anyone else or I will personally use my own two hands to slaughter them! Yeah, the pacifist knows how to get down and dirty! I would share my other news, but that one is something that I don't think is honestly best put all over the internet-lol.xD

So, I'm going to be living at my cabin all summer, pretty much like last summer except that it's pretty much literally ALL summer that I'll be gone. I'm probably going to be catatonic by the time I get back to school. Haha. But not. I think that I should be fine this summer. Hopefully. I have only 7 full days of school left, and of those only 3 of them are normal school days without some sort of special event interrupting. I wonder where the school year went. I didn't want to start at the beggining, but then as I started going through the year I didn't want it to ever end because my friends would all be going different ways and I would be starting at a different school the next year. But by now I just want it to be over with, though I can't escape the little bit of anxiety about the summer. Hmmm, it's odd. I've overcome alot of obstacles this year. And so many things have happened to me. It seems like it started so long ago, yet it seems like it's been such a short expanse of time. I've been so unaware of everything going on around me this whole year. I've always beeen distracted by something. Hmmm, it's odd. I've overcome alot of obstacles this year. And so many things have happened to me. Like becoming vegetarian, discovering a million more bands and musicals that I love, seeing the best movies ever, falling in love, becoming myself, smothering every bit of white on my walls, doing everything that I used to be afraid to do because of my parents, setting myself free from a torture I've had for years, getting rid of one horrible boy, learning to see the beauty in myself for the first time, wearing naughty underwear in gym and laughing about it with my friends, letting my inhibitions go for one week, reading some really great books, seeing the great things about people, going in the sewers in the pouring rain, getting my ipod, coming to terms with my family, accepting myself for being me, becoming what I thought was cool years ago without trying, insomnia for weeks at a time, writing poems, saying, "Screw it, I'll just do it" way to many times to be acceptable, bursting into song and dance in public places daily, realizing that I only care what the people I love think of me, realizing that I'll never be what my family wants me to be and that that's what I want to be, and so much more. That wasn't meant to be such a long list. Well, I gotta go.

- Alisha

Friday, May 9, 2008

Gumption Gone

The courage to face the unknown
The courage to face the known
The courage to face your fears
To face the things not shown

The courage to face their face
The courage to suck up and face them
How do you do what you cannot do
How do you your own self condemn

To a life of long loneliness
How could you possibly stand
How can you let the silver lining
Slip right through your hands

The sands of time do not stay
The slip right through your hands
Yet you cannot jump up and say
What must be said while you still stand

The courage isn't there right now
You're not strong enough after all
How could things come to this
How could he let you fall

Betrayal is a harsh reality
A slap across the face
Yet all fiction comes from fact
All actions are emotion based

To thine own self be true
Can't apply when you aren't attatched
You feel feelings from a mile away
All hope has been smashed

You can't lie to yourself
Though your lies are fast and flow
You know you really do care
But you're afraid to show

You know way deep down
That you'll just let things go
And you'll never move on
Everyone is set on speed and you are set on slow

That candle flickers in the dark
The wind will blow it out
How can you just decide
To leave the light and pout

- Alisha 5/9/ 2008

Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Treachery

1) Yes, I'm very annoyed with you. You're just as bad as the rest of them. I know you've been through rough times, but now you've become just like them. It's despicable.

2) If I could change the way things went between us, I'm not sure what I would do. Things between you and I were foreign and new, but it felt so right. Yet I don't know now if it was the beginning steps to my downhill descent, or if it was just delaying it. Was it a good thing for me, or did it just make things worse now? Why are things suddenly so different and odd? I'm messed up and I don't know if you know it or not. I wish that I could feel like SOMEONE cared about me, even though I know that people do, I just don't feel it. I'm not sure if you care about me anymore. It doesn't feel like it. It makes me so sad because I cared so much about you and I still do, even if it is in a different way. I care so much that I hurts that I never feel like you care back.

3) Every once in awhile I feel like telling you everything and having you tell me everything's okay, but I always end up deciding against it at the last moment. I think that I'll regret it.

4) I could really use you right now, and even though you really are so near by, there's no way for me to reach you.

5) I try to forget about my severe annoyances with you and nearly always work until it comes and bites me again in the butt. It's so annoying.

6) I'm used to having some one among my friends knowing something that's bugging me. In fact I think that I really usually have no secrets, it's just I don't put all my eggs into one basket so it doesn't feel as though I divulge everything. Now I have this problem that I'm still trying to ignore and still I haven't told a single person. It's new for me. And this is something huge.

7) I'm sorry I usually have such a short temper with you because I know that you have problems too. It's just that you take everything out on me and I have to sit here and deal with it that it makes me feel better to have even my small pitiful rebellion.

8) There are times in my past that stand out as clear, vivid moments when some of my innocence has been stolen from me. All those moments are memorable to me. They come at the strangest of times, but occasionally it's something that makes sense as to why a part of me was ripped away. One of those such times was because of you and I can never forgive you for that. It is something that is completely unforgivable and it hurt me that you said that. In that brief moment several things were running through my head. The main points were: that the hatred coursing through my veins was so tinged with hurt that I wouldn't have been surprised if my blood turned poisonous and black; that you had robbed me of part of the last part of my innocence; that I could never forgive you for that; and that I knew I wasn't going to cry for a long time. I know some people who go ages without crying, and that's just their nature. I know other people who cry frequently and that helps them relieve themselves of grievances. I used to be of the later group, but I haven't cried in over five weeks.

9) I was mad at you for awhile and I still won't pass up a chance to call you an asshole, but now I realize that I feel sorry for you. They used to make fun of you and I was there and told you that they were jerks and that they made fun of me all the time too but it didn't bother me because they didn't matter. You agreed with me and we helped each other. Then they focused on me and you forgot every nice thing that I had ever done for you and you proceeded to try to hurt me like they do. That was harsh. But I feel sorry for you that you try so hard to not be the point of ther focus, when they could turn on you in a second.

10) You're the real reason I stopped truly trusting most people. I'm really dissapointed in you.

- Alisha

A Nice Warm Shot Gun or a Poisoned Bottle of Bourbon

Everything feels so fucked up lately. I can't stand to be around my friends because they're constantly getting on my nerves, and I really enjoy it when I get to be alone. But when I'm online and stuff I feel almost desperate to talk to someone and then I just feel plain stupid. I feel like my whole life I've just let people walk all over me. I tell myself that I'm not a push over anymore and that I've toughened up . But the truth is that I just let people walk on top of me in a different way. Before I'd do anything anyone told me to do because I was gullible, naïve, trusting,, and wanted so badly to be liked, I was so sensitive that I would cry if someone said I was stupid. It was dumb. So then I learned to toughen up and I thought that I had stopped letting people walk over me too, but I hadn't. I let people say and do things to me that I don't deserve and I turn a blind eye because I don't want to believe that these people that I think are my friends are really so mean to me. I don't do anything until it becomes so obvious that I'm being thrown under the bus that I can't not say something. And then when I realize unpleasant things about myself I cling to the things that distract me, which happens to be my friends. But then it becomes to apparent in my mind that I have these flaws and problems and I pull away from everyone and everything I enjoy and sink into a depression. Then, I fight it and sometimes it just ends up taking me deeper and sometimes I manage to fight it off and escape it's clutches- mostly. But by that point I've been so sunk into myself and my own unhappiness that I can't get into the funk of being with my friends again and instead I get irritable and grouchy all the time because I find them so annoying and obsessed with such petty things. Then I need something to cling onto to get away from the depression and I find things that I enjoy and make myself live and breathe it to get away. And I'm so sick of acting like everything's okay when it's not and I'm so sick of everyone being so upset and yet obsessed with all their petty little things. There's bigger things out there. Everyone has ways of dealing with their problems, and sometimes those problems are bigger than others. In my case, I make things bigger than they need to be so I can make things feel real and not feel the numbness I always feel. I cling onto things that feel real and that I love until they're gone and then I fall to pieces. And I don't want to rely on other people. I want to be able to deal with things healthily and on my own, but most of all I don't want to have the problems that I do. And what I hate most of all is when people try to help me when I don't want them to. That makes things worse. But I feel all the more worse about things when I secretly want people to help me because I want to feel like I'm cared for. So I just want everyone to leave me alone and let me deal with things on my own because I don't want people to be in my life. Which sounds really awful. But it's true. I'm best left on my own, even though I feel so lonely everyday, and everyday it's a struggle for me to make myself wake up because I don't want to have to deal with things. All in all I have a tangle mess of a life and I don't know how to deal with it anymore.


Friday, April 4, 2008

The Alisha's A Horror Picture Show

Okay.  I'm a freak and I know it.  Yes, I spent $50 of my mom's money on iTunes today.  She did say I could though, she just didn't know how crazy I would get.  She does owe me money for babysitting though, so it's okay.  It started with me getting Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and The Series of Unfortunate Events.  Then I decided to get Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest too.  I already have the first one, so that's probably a good thing.xD Then I decided that I HAD to get Phantom of the Opera, so I did.  Then it took forever for those to download and I remembered a song I had told my mom I wanted, so I went back and downloaded Black Horse and a Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall.  Then I went to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show with my grandpa and he fell asleep while I fell in love with it.  Another musical for me to be in love with.  Now it consists of:
- Rent( the movie)
- Rent( the original broadway cast)
- Wicked
- Hair
- Phantom of the Opera
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show
- Moulin Rouge
- Across the Universe

Yeah, a lot for me.  A year ago it was only that I like The Wizard of Oz and Annie.  But going on.  So I finished watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show( RHPS) and I went onto iTunes and bought the original London cast because it had most of the same actors as the movie did.  And I memorized the Time Warp dance( Honestly it's not that hard to memorize) and I will perform it at school on Monday.  And I know that Halloween is MONTHS off from now, but I now know what I'm being for Halloween.  It's the character Magenta from RHPS.  It'll be amazing cause I already know exactly how I'm going to do my makeup and the fake eyelashes that I'm gonna need.  I even already have the dress.  There's just a couple of things that I actually need to get.  So it'll be pretty amazing.  Now I can't wait for Halloween.xD Haha, I'm special.  But yeah, if I think of more to say I'll write more later.  Bye!

- Alisha

Saturday, March 29, 2008

My Treachery of Truth

1)I'm drained. I don't feel like I have any energy left what so ever. The physical energy I put in every day is sapping me and then I can't sleep at night and I never really feel much like eating. My mind is driving me crazy andn I just want to be alone all the time. lI'm going to crash soon, and it isn't going to be good.

2)If you feel like you have to pity me, then please do it in private. Because I feel pitiful enough as it is and i don't need your constant reminder with your sad faces and half smiles. I get it, okay? Obviously something's wrong with me, and obviously I realize it. I realize that I'm the single girl who loves a guy that lives too far away and who isn't treating her well. I realize that I'm the girl who looks like she'll never be lucky in a relationship again. I realize that I have dark shadows under my eyes and that I have a distant look in my eye. I realize that I'm starting to lose it again. And I realize that I'm pulling away from everyone. I realize that all I want is to be alone.

3)I know that you're concerned about me. I'm concerned about me too. To be honest I'm scared shitless. I'm sorry that I've done this to you, scaring you like this. We both are scared.=(

4)It's not because of you. I think that you were delaying me from becoming like this, but once you were out of the picture I didn't have anything to distract myself with anymore. so no, it is not because of you. YOu were just delaying it for awhile

5)Have you ever taken a questionaire to find out if you're so and so way before and you've kind of dramtisized(If that's a word)? Well, I was dramtizing. It's a definite answer. It's unfortunately so, I'm afraid. And no I'm not talking about pregnancy tests!

6)Thankyou for being there. Even though you're in a similar boat that I'm in, it feels nice to have someone spiraling downward right next to me.

7)I know that you'll feel bad that I'm going downward and you can't help me. Don't worry about it. Focus on yourself. Not me. Haven't I always managed to get out of my dark holes before, at least for a short time anyways? I'm going to get help this time, not wait until help finds me.

8)You won't understand. You'll think that you understand, but deep down inside you'll be confused and refuse to accept it. I know you too well to think that you could possibly understand this. It's a good thing though, it means that you have to much goodness in your heart. I suppose though that it isn't my fault that I have so much darkness inside.

9)I know that if I tell you that you'll run off and tell a dean or something because you won't want me to be fucked up. It's not your fault, it's just your nature, but maybe you should learn to accept that some people know how to get help themselves in a better way for them.

10)I wish that you would just leave me alone. It's too hard somtimes. It isn't fair what you do to me. You don't do it to other people, why should you single me out. But I know that you'll probably never stop.

Friday, March 28, 2008

I Need To Write A Treachery

1) I don't hate you. I thought I told you that I didn't. Because you said that you knew I hated you, and that's not true. I thought I did, but I was just really upset. I was overeacting.

2) I really like you, it's just lately you've kind of been creeping me out. Like, alot. ALOT, ALOT, ALOT! I don't like having sexual talks with you. I honestly just don't!!!! It was bad enough what you were saying on Monday, but today it seriously like I wanted to go puke really badly. EWWW!!!!!

3) Thankyou SO MUCH for being there when everyone else is simply being douches!!!!!! At least in my mind, but thankyou so much!

4) Thankyou for being crazy, amazing, sexy legs(Total inside joke with you), random you. It's nice.=]

5) What you said hurt my feelings. Bet you didn't even know that I know you said it either. But what you said sounded a lot like," You're an awful person and I don't understand you, but it's okay cause I like you." Um, hello? Am I the only one who finds that offensive?!?!?!!?!

6) You're so stupid sometimes. I wish you would just stop trying to understand the way the female mind works-you never will! And then you have to ask me every single last thing and it must frustrates me!

7)You're awesome, but I don't like you that way. I'm sorry.

8) Leave me alone before I call the police!!!!!! What the fuck is your problem?!?!!?!?! I've asked you nicely, I've asked you not so nicely, and STILL you won't leave me alone!!! I don't want to go out with you so just drop the whole fucking subject! No more Ms. Nice Alisha. The gloves are off....

9) Love you more than anything but you're gettin on my nerves! Tone down the energy little girl or I'm going to crazy and wring your furry little neck!!!! Just kidding, but seriously tone it down a teensy bit. I'm going crazy!

10) This is to several people: AHEM!!!! I do not HAVE to go to the dance. It is my choice and I chose not to. I only told you that I had to choose between the dance and my cabin(Which is true but I wouldn't have gone to the dance even if I wasn't going to my cabin) because you are too shallow minded to understand the fact that of course I don't feel like going to the dance! Here's a list of reasons if you need that to understand:
- I am annoyed with just about everyone right now and would much rather be alone
- I can't remember the last time I went to a dance without a date and I didn't get asked by anyone that I wanted to go with
- I would only have gone if I really, really like the person who asked me. Look at the point above....
- Yes, there is someone I like who would take me if they could. But they don't happen to live anywhere around here. So don't even ask next time, please
- I can't dance because of my injury. I can't even walk on it, let alone dance
Is that good enough? I hope so.


Good Times on the Beach

Okay. So, I dunno what really to write about all of a sudden. That's really weird. Hmm...well I just had spring break. I went to Jamaica from March 15- 22. Before then I had had a really...trying week and so I was really glad to be going away. I woke up at about one in the morning to get ready to go and then on the plane ride there I listened to the Beatles on my iPod, singing Good Day Sunshine and Here Comes the Sun and a bunch of Bob Marley songs to get in the mood. Then we got to Jamaica after a way too long flight and it was SO NICE to feel that eighty degree heat after coming from twenty degree Minnesota weather. ACK! But yeah, I was pumped. Then I stuck my head out of the taxi on the way to our resort and I breathed in my favourite smell- the ocean. I closed my eyes and just focused on my perpetual joy of being in one place I truly love in the world(It wasn't my first time there). We got to the resort and we walked in the doors and the first two things I see are the ocean and a very cute boy. I decided right then and there that I was going to love this trip a lot. Then a person brings us fresh, tropical drinks while they bring our bags to our room and we get checked in. Then when I got in the elevator to go to our room the first time I saw the cute boy walk by. Pretty exciting.xD But yeah, so we settled into this awesome room with a view of the pool AND the ocean and then we spend the rest of the day at the pool and on the beach. Then for the next two days you can put the beach and pool thing on repeat. So, it was Monday, St. Patrick's Day. I had seen the cute boy(Who I literally called the cute boy to my parents) every once in awhile. Then on Monday night my parents made me go talk to him. And we became really good friends, even though I had this big crush on him. Then Tuesday was my accident day.*hides head in shame* I was outside on our balcony watching the ocean and listening to my iPod and my mom yelled at me from inside the room to get in. So, I try opening the door but it's stuck, yet again. It had a real tendency to get stuck. So yeah, I pull and pull and pull and finally pull it open and here this tearing noise. I look at my foot and see the door on top of it and I pushed it closed to find that the door had ripped my big toenail on my left foot up. It was bleeding badly and there was this huge screaming thing going on in my room and then I had to go to the nurse and I was hyperventilating and it was this huge ordeal. I had it wrapped up and stuff and I couldn't swim the rest of the trip.: ( But yeah, I just hung out with Chris(Cute boy's actual name) and talked stuff. He was leaving really early Friday morning so Thursday was my last day with him. So we didn't really see each other all day and then that night we started hanging out and then, I don't know. It feels too personal to say on the internet what happened. We just got really close at the end and spent a very nice five minutes making out on the beach and then he walked me to my room, gave me a goodbye kiss and I've never seen him since. It's kind of sad. But we've texting ALOT. But we kind of know deep down that we'll probably never see each other again. He's from Missouri, I'm a Minnesota girl. But yeah. I don't know. Just felt like writing about my trip I guess. Then I got home and was instantly frustrated with normal life again and all I've wanted is to get away from everyone and I came up to my cabin and it made me happy.=) Except Alisha had another bad abar experience today.= ( At my age you would think that the old guys would stop hitting on me. Maybe they're all too drunk. Or just icky. One guy said: Oh wait, you're not legal. You're not 18 yet.*shudder shudder shudder* Save me from the creepy men of the bars!


A Quick F.Y.I....

Okay. So I've been thinking lately about how stressed out I've been. And I realized how much I loved my blog, cause it helped me get my feelings out. Well, I've never really cared for writing in diary form- it actually drives me crazy. But I can't get on my blog that often so I felt in a dilemma. Then I realized that I could write out stuff in a notebook like I would blog it, and then next time I got on my blog I could post it. So I've done that for a couple of days and what do you know I forgot my notebook at school! Another stupid Alisha moment for the books. Oh well. So, I'm just going to kind of write in a little bit. But if suddenly I have dated blogs coming in on the seemingly wrong days it's just me posting my entries.: ) Okay, talk to you in a bit....


Monday, March 24, 2008

AAAAAWWWWWW!!!!!!! Save Me Now!

Everyone I would like to tell you that I have an online stalker and I'm scared shitless. Pretty soon they'll be asking formy adress so that they can come moon over me while I'm sleeping. I'm not kidding you it's scaring the shit out of me. And now I'm pretty sure one of their freaky deaky friends is stalking me too. I'm going to die soon. Tell everyone why for me!

A Short Treachery

I decided to do write a new one of these. I haven't for awile, so here I go:

1. I've been really frustrated with you lately and you have no idea, but you earned some on my good side today. Thanks.

2. You just texted me and I seriously freaked out and went,"Yeah!" I love talking to you. It makes me happy.

3. Hey sexy lady. You wanted me to write one to you so I thought"hey! I should writed one to you" so here you go!

4. I don't understand you sometimes. You're a really confusing person. Your way of thinking about some recent events are really...I don't know. Odd. I'm confused. But honestly that's not an issue I have anymore. I got over everything.

5. I'm so glad I met you. You are awesome and I feel like you really understand me. You're one of the few that do. I fell for you the first time I saw you and then when I finally got the courage to talk to you, you simply blew me away. I'll never forget that night on the beach in Jamaica. It made me super happy, but it's also really sad that that's the last time that I ever saw you. But you'll always be in my heart. I love you and I'm glad that you like me a lot too. And your accent is too amazing for words.xD

6. I seriously think that I've said all that I need to say. So I'm just going to stop here.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Holy Fucking Mother of God

Hello blog people! OMFG! I repeat: OH MY FUCKING GOD! This week has been insane. Just wanted to get that out really badly. I'm just in shock right now. The week starts out with me all happy to be back with someone I love a whole bunch and I had missed them cause it was a long weekend. Then the next day I'm hurt really badly by the person and try to kill myself. Then I feel like an idiot because I feel like I shouldn't love them when I do. Then today I talk to them and they tell me something that made it alot easier to feel better. Then I find out it's a lie and I'm so pissed off it's so not funny. The blood boiled in my veins and I felt like I was going to hurt something. Now I'm just in shock. In a matter of three days I've gone from loving someone to hating them more than anyone else in the world. Wow is all I can say.

- Alisha

I Hate You

I'm so fucking pissed it's insane
I'm not used to playing the anger game
I hope you're happy with what you've done
Hope you're happy with the song you've sung
Hope your life's a living hell
Hope you get sucked into a depression spell
Trust me it serves you well

-Pissed Off Alisha

Friday, February 29, 2008

Suicide Sounds Really Nice Right Now

I'll never forgive myself
For what I'm about to do
But for me regret's not a dusty shelf
I don't want to hurt you

Just know that if you cry
My eyes will be tearing up too
Your pain makes me want to die
I hate that I love you

I'm only doing what I have to
But my actions come from me alone
I'm hurting myself so much too
Without you life's an empty drone

But still I can't put you
In the postion that you're in
I know that you really love me too
But you can move on and join that distant din

Of life that goes on outside of me
I was just a dream
You have a chance to live truly
Though my heart's ripping at the seams

At least pretend to think
That you didn't feel this way
My life is going down the sink
Yours is just getting underway

You've got to move on from me
Your pain will ease
If you just let things be
Just forget me, please?

It would be easier for me too
If I totally forgot
All about me and you
Is that possible though, I think not

And maybe it'll be easier for you
If I abolish one last thing also
You can move on and live your life too
Why I killed myself no one else will ever know


What Do You Do When You're Not Sure If Your Next Move Might Make You Commit Suicide

Hey there people of the blogging persuasion! My pants are amazing! I wore my hippie pants to school today and people signed them with sharpies. I'm pretty sure I have like, fifty peace signs on them.X D Pretty hilarious. And also, my parents finally know that I am a vegitard! And I'm surprised by how supportive they were. My dad was just like,"I think it's great-I just don't think that you can do it." But my mom went out and bought me a bunch of soy stuff, vegetables, and nuts to keep up my protein. Oh and protein rich yogurt too. Yummo! And also this means I can eat ALL THE PEANUT BUTTER I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah. I'm really hungry right now, but I don't know what to eat. If anyone really knows me, they know that I hardly ever eat meals, I just eat a bunch of hodge podge crap. But now adays I've been eating alot helathier, which is a good thing. From what I ate before I should be a whale by now(haha). But yeah, it's pretty great. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Do you ever have things that you just want to scream about? I sure do. It sucks, especially when you don't really know how to get it off your chest either. The only way I can really do that know adays is through poetry(Which people are getting better at deciphering)and Treacheries(Which everyone scours through to figure out it one is about them). So yeah, I'm going to do a Treachery right now.

1. Thanks for supporting me. It's really nice that you can do that for me, it's just lately you've really figured out how to hit my last nerve. It's pissing me off.

2. Thanks for supporting me too. You're great and I really appreciate it. Sorry if I start boring you with my endless problems though....

3. God, I just want to slap you sometimes. You are so insensitive. You act like you're my best friend and you understand me and you act like the nicest guy in the world, and then when you get around the guys YOU have said to me are such assholes and that I should just ignore the things they say, when YOU get around them YOU act just like THEM!! I put up with it for way too long and you wonder why I told you just to stop talking to me and leave me alone!

4. I feel sorry for you sometimes. You can be a real creep sometimes, but you really are a nice guy. I just realized this is directed at two people. Well, you guys are nice guys and I feel bad for you because people are so mean to you. We have a-ahem, not so nice past, but I'm one of the few people actually nice to you. It's nice to know that you guys realize that and I'm glad that I can help make your miserable lives a little better.: ) I'm here for you guys!

5. I just want to scream at you right now! I'm so frustrated with you! Today I was literally fuming I was so frustrated! It's just getting on my nerves now, and I don't want to be nagging or whatever, but just, come on! See reason already!

6. Seriously, just stop! I am serious when I get up and scream at you! By who knows or cares reasons, my body is covered in bruises. Not entirely sure where they came from, but they cover my entire body! I'm sore day in and day out and I just don't want people poking me and making them worse. So just STOP poking me! I've told you so many times, it stopped being funny about the second time you did it. JUST STOP!

7. I really like you, it just gets hard sometimes. You really make it difficult for me. I don't think you really understand that though, so it's not really your fault. I try so hard not to do something that will make it harder for you or do anything that you won't like. Purely out of the goodness of my heart. We're friends, and friends make sacrifices for friends. But then you kind of either push me away or mention things that I'm doing wrong. It's exhausting.

8. I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong. What do you want me to do, I'll do anything.

9. Just so you know, I know that you didn't believe me for awhile. I know that. Just lettin you know....

10. I'm not paying attention to the obvious fact that you've told yet another person, mainly because I'm hoping to whatever anyone can possibly hope to that it'll just blow over. Shit man, you don't even know how bad things can get for you. You just wait til things start gettin way too hard for me and people start seeing my scary side. You'll be shittin your pants hoping I ain't comin for you boy. Which I'm not, but just trust me here, things won't be pretty if you tell the wrong person.

Oklie doklie, some afterthoughts. I haven't done this before. I guess it's just a message to some of the people I wrote these too.
3. I'm not kidding. I never want to talk to you again.

4. YOu guys just gotta be yourselves and try to find people you fit in with. Just keep trying.:J

5. I hate being mad at you, I really do.

7. You're awesome, I really like you as a friend. Really I do. I'm trying to be patient.

8. I'm sorry. I hate to do it, but I really have to. We can talk afterwards, but if I don't do it right I'll never be able to.

9. Not gonna tell you to your face though.

10. I'm not joking around here, you better not be either.

Okay, my life officially sucks. Today might possible be the worst night of my life, ahead of the previous worst day of my life which happens to be less than a month ago. Can't elaborate.: ( It sucks is all I can say.


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Change the World

So in this world you want to make some change
Go for it I say
But there will be people who call you deranged
But you don't have to do things their way

Rebel against the man
Who's main goal in life is to opress
Together we'll make a stand
We'll clean up all this mess

Do all that you want to do
Let nothing stand in your way
If not you, then who
Will put the world's terrors at bay?

So burn the burnable things
And create what should be created
Fly away on peace's wings
Nothing deserves to be hated

Help people discover the truth
Help them discover themselves
Raise nonconformity to the roof
Inside of yourself you musn't delve

Give the world a chance
To show you how great it is
Do a happy dance
Remember the man, the world isn't his

Take the bull by the horns
And challenge the things in life
To conformity you are not sworn
Eliminate the world of strife!!!

- Alisha

Lost In A Hardly Requited Love

Who's that girl over there
The one who's smiling
She has the sun in her hair
But she looks like she's really trying
To keep that smile on her face
She seems pretty sad inside
Most are off base
About her bubbly personality, she just wants to hide

In the layers of baggy sweatshirt
She hides to cover up
The way she hurts
The water is half empty in her life's cup
The tears don't ever come
They pool behind swollen eyes
She feels so dumb
But oh,how she tries

People just ignore
The way she's losing it
The way she crumbles when he walks through the door
The way she was bit
With loves sharp bite
And she hates the way
She's a sad sight
Giving her last effort to someone who doesn't stay

She gives much more than she gets
She feels lost and confused
She's treated like she's a pet
Her dignity is black and bruised
She should tell him she's done
But she's in too far
She's in love with the sun
Something she can't quite reach, a distant star

- Alisha


Something awful just happened to me. And unless you know me and know how important this is to me, you wouldn't understand. I'll sound like one of those girls that start crying when they chip a nail. But that's not how I am. This is just extrememly devastating for me- my necklace broke. It's my necklace that I never, ever take off. It has the drama symbol on it and it's like a good luck charm for me. I feel naked without it. It's made of pure gold, so I don't take it off when I sleep or shower. And I was just sitting here writing an email to my friend and it just fell off. I figure the clasp had been on funny( I adjust the clasp everyday), so I picked it up to put in on again and I noticed that the chain had broke. This is like a sign of ill fortune for me. The only times I've taken that necklace off in who knows how long was when I was at YIG at the Governor's Ball and it looked really bad with my dress, and one day when I was extremely depressed and my necklace only reminded me off why I was so depressed. ONLY TIMES! I, being a very superstitios person, could not have a worse thing happen to me luck wise. This sucks!!!!!!!! I just felt like I needed to tell someone( I'm at my cabin all by myself and none of my friends are online anymore)so I decided to blog about it. I'm going to post a poem I just wrote in a minute. Not really sure where this one came from, because it isn't really personal to me at all. I write poems like that on occasion.

- Alisha

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hey There

I seriously wrote a really long blog just a little bit ago and then my computer was a bitch and decided it was messed up and closed the window and I threw a fit. This one's not even going to be half as good.: ( Oh well. I love my blog title. I changed it. Isn't it pretty amazing? It's cause my friend Landis and I have been called hippie whores before. Hee hee. It doesn't bother me. What people say about you shouldn't matter. I'm listening to Rent right now. I'm obsessed with Rent and Wicked right now. They're AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah. I told my friend Jostyn that I was obsessed with them and he was like," Oh thank God! My life is complete now!" It was pretty funny. I thought about it, and the role of Maureen in Rent is like, the perfect role for me. As an actress, I'm better at more ecstatic characters. Maureen is pretty out there.X D I'm going crazy right now! I'm waiting for someone to email me cause I really, REALLY need to talk to them about something, but they haven't been on all night. I know that they were on a little while ago, but I don't know if they checked their email. If they did I'm being totally ignored and I do not like that! ARGH! I am a frustrated cookie! Oh well, it's not the worst thing that could happen. And you've got to deal with what life gives you. I've decided that I tbe;oeve om fate, but most things in life are up to you to decide for. That was a big thing for me. I was havng trouble deciding whether or not I believed in God and what I believed in period. Then I just took some time to think it through and I decided what I believed. It's nice knowing.: ) I just hope that when I'm open with my parents about my new religion and me being a vegetarian they will except me. I'm already Buddhist and a vegetarian, I just haven't really told them yet. And they haven't realized it. It's kind of funny when you think about it, but it's not great being in my position. Oh well, I think I'll try to break it to them slowly. Like make little hints and then kind of work it up into the fact that I converted- I just won't tell them when. Same thing with being vegetarian. It's just my dad really hates vegetarians. He made fun of my friends when I said they were vegetarians. I hated that, cause that's when I was first starting out. He'll also really hate me being Buddhist. One time a few years ago he was talking to me and he said," I know that we don't go to church very often, but you need to believe in God..." and so on. It's making me feel like if I want to be who I am I have to make my parents hate me. But still, what can they really do? They can't MAKE me be any religion, and they can't FORCE me to eat meat. They can punish me, but maybe this is my chance to show them that I fight for the things that I love and believe in. They don't know that about me yet. That's kind of sad. My parents don't really know the real me, and I don't know whether it's their fault or mine. I'm so tired! I barely sleep anymore. MAYBE an hour and a half a night if I'm lucky. On the weekends I totally pass out. I sleep for like forever. Just go to sleep, right? Well, I just don't feel tired most of the time( I am right now though) and also I have these awful nightmares when I actually do sleep. Not fun. I have to go now, but I might write more later. Tata!
- Alisha

Friday, February 15, 2008

Masochistic Me

It's so late in the night, almost quarter to four
I've seen this hour several times before
I can never ever get to sleep
I'm just in way too deep

My eyes cry tears I didn't know I had
And still I kind of like feeling so bad
I can let out my emotions deep inside
The way normal people feel, I just can't abide

To survive I need extreme feelings
That's why I lay there staring at the ceiling
Depressing music plays in my head
My body is simply dead

I'm a sadistic little bitch
Like having that spot you just can't itch
I crave the things that hurt me most
Depression, heartbreak; things that none would ever boast

Why is my life such a tangled mess?
There's never that perfect little black dress
The sun's never out
And I cannot shout

The day's are short, the night is long
And I'm not looking quite as strong
But I don't mind at all
Because my problems are growing tall

And no matter how long I cry
I know that it will not make me die
Because I like the pain that I feel
Feelings I do not have to steal

There are things I do to make me hurt
Scars hide beneath my shirt
They hold together my broken heart
And it's broken because of me, because I am not smart

I scare those I love the most
Searching out pain from coast to coast
The druggies have got it easy, the alcholics too
They're not a sadisholic shrew

-alisha 2/15/08

I Love You

Before you came along
Things were getting bad
Night was getting darker
Love I'd never had

But when I fell in love with you
The sun came out again
The flowers started blooming
I was happier than I had been

I'm head over heels now
I'll admit it's true
But to make me stop loving
There's nothing you can do

When I look up to see you
A smile comes on my face
Even when I'm mad at you
My anger goes to waste

You make me weak in the knees
My breath just goes away
And I simply love how
You make everything okay

And as I write this now
My heart beats in my chest
Of all the poems I have written
This one for you's the best

My love will never die
It will never be less
I give you my heart
It beats for you til my death

Life is getting wonderful
Now I'm not so blue
The best thing I have ever heard
Was " I love you too"

I can't express my love enough
In any single way
Just know I'm giving all of it
That is here to stay

So next time that I see you
I'll say " I love you"
And you will know inside your heart
That my love is true

-alisha 2/14/08

I Wish It Would End

Awake in the middle of the night
I can't sleep
Thinking about our fight
Haven't slept in days

I just can't seem to eat
A headache's throbbing in my head
Unsteady on my feet
Dizziness fogs my mind

I cannot eat or sleep
My body's shutting down
I'm crumpling in a heap
People notice, they're scared

My hand shakes as I write
I'm scared too
I wish you would hold me tight
And tell me it will be okay

I wish it would end
This soul burning pain
My insides twist and bend
It's too late, I'm gone, I'm dead

-alisha 2/6/08

Broken Beyond Repair

Tissues in my hand
Wiping at my tears
I feel so alone
Nobody hears

Crying, crying
The tissues can't stop the flow
I can't handle the pain
Tearing at my soul

You look at me
I look at you
I look away
I can't look at you

You don't know how I feel
If would hurt you if you did
I feel trapped in a nightmare
When will I wake up?

Help me! Help me!
I'm falling! I'm dead!
My heart isn't beating
It's broken beyond repair

-alisha 2/6/08

All You Need Is Love

All you need is love
Is what the Beatles said
I don't need you love
So said my head

All you need is love
Is what the Beatles said
I don't want you love
Is what my conscience said

All you need is love
Is what the Beatles said
I really want your love
Is what my soul said

But my heart, I had hidden it's voice
It needs your love
And no matter what everyone says
All you need is love

-alisha 2/6/08

What You've Done To Me

What is this pain?
I think I'm dying
I've never felt this before
It's my heart, I think it's broke

Why did this happen?
I'm pretty sure I know why
You did this to me
Woul it hurt you to know that?

The tears pour down my cheeks
I hide them from you
I don't want you to see
What you've done to me

You will soon see
No matter how I try to hide it
How the tears stain my face
And how I no longer smile

And you will know
That it is
Because of
What you've done to me

-alisha 2/5/08

Red and Blue

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You love me
And I love you too

Roses are red
Violets are blue
My love is dying
How about you?

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I broke my heart
And you broke it too

Roses are red
Violets are blue
How could you hurt me?
I thought our love was true

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hate love
And I also hate you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
You don't know that I know
Not yet, that's true

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I hate love
But I don't really hate you

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Love dies
And I want to die too

-alisha 2/5/08

Love Breaks Your Heart, You Should've Known It Would

When your world is crashing down on you
And you're feeling all alone
You don't know what to do
Pain replaces thoughts

Your heart is quickly breaking
You nedd to think clearly
But your mind is just aching
Tears touch your eyes

You really just need to cry
But you keep a smile on your face
You think you're going to die
No one sees inside

No longer are your poem endings happy
No longer are they good
The time to mend your heart won't be snappy
You were in love

Love isn't great
Love isn't good
It leaves you with heartache
You should've known it would

How could you have been such a fool?
You fell so hard it hurt
Love isn't for you
You'll never love again

What do you do when you don't have a soulmate
You aren't human, no one likes you
It makes you fill with hate
But the love stays too

Love breaks your heart
You should've known it would
You were not smart
But you can't stop loving him even though you should

-alisha 2/5/08

Buncha Poems

Hey everyone! As you already know, I write poems. Well, I've written A TON that I haven't published on here yet, so I'm about to do that. I've had some pretty strong emotions lately, which you should be able to tell from my poems. So yeah, they should be appearing in a short time.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm gonna die!


Sunday, January 20, 2008

When You're All Alone

What do you do when you're all alone
And no one comes your way
Do you allow your thoughts to wander
Do you let your mind stray?

What do you think when you're all alone
Where does your mind go
Do you think about your past
All the lies that were faux?

What do you feel when you're all alone
Where do your emotions lie
Do you feel sad to be by yourself
Do you let yourself cry?

What do you hear when you're all alone
Are there voices in your head
Do you scare and go to find
Instead a very good friend?

When you are no longer alone
And people are in your way
Does your mind still wander
Or do thoughts just go away?

When you are no longer alone
And a very special person is in your life
Do all "alone" worries go away
All your thoughts of strife?

When you are no longer alone
But thoughts still run through your head
They follow you all day long
And right on into bed,

Do they still worry you, darling
When you are again alone
Though a special person is on your mind
But now you are alone

Do worrisome thoughts come back again
Do they still haunt your mind
Even though things are happy
Do all thoughts have to be kind?

-alisha a. 1/20/2008

What do you wish for?

Please come here and tell me
When you wish on shining stars
What is it you wish for
With your wishing heart

Or do you prefer magic genies
Who live in magic lamps
Who will grant you THREE wishes
Except for more to spend

Or is it on your birthday cake
You close your eyes and blow
That you wish for wishing things
Once a year again

Or have you lost all hope
Like so many have
And you no longer wish for wishing things
Because you are so sad

But you know hope isn't lost
You can feel it in your heart
Wishing for things comes so naturally
You've ripped your heart apart

But you can still mend it
It isn't too late you see
Come and ask me about the time
When wishing didn't come as naturally

But then I was saved
And now it is plain to see
When I was no longer wishing
I still was wishing for him to come for me

-alisha a. 1/20/2008

Popping Up Pictures

Hey yal! If you haven't noticed, I seem to be adding a new picture with every new blog. And I pretty much am, so if that isn't just fantastic now I don't know what is.=] I'm pretty bored right now. None of my friends are online. Sad, huh? Yup. So, hm, I guess I'm just reporting that I'm continously adding stuff on here. Talk to you later( I'm gonna write another poem),
-alisha a.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

You're Just Living Life

When things don't go your way
For the very longest time
And you start to feel like crap
You're just living life

You may feel all alone
Like no one knows you at all
It may seem like there's no love
But you're just living life

So when skies are dark and gray
The sun hasn't been out in weeks
Just remember the sun will come out
Because you're just living life

-alisha a. 1/19/2008

I appreciate your thoughts*sarcasm*

Just so people know, I KNOW that I have had a blog that has been reported objectionable. I KNOW that. And all I have to say is," Oh my God! Thankyou so much! This is EXACTLY what I had wanted on THE DAY I got a new blog. Thankyou SO VERY MUCH!" That's just fantastic. But to be honest I don't really care all that much. Sure I think it's stupid and I'm pissed off about it, but it's not a huge deal. So yeah, it's not gonna stop me. But just wanted to let you know.
-alisha a.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Treachery # 4( Read other blog for 1-3)

So, just in case you don't already know what my Treachery's are, they're the way I relieve stress. I write ten things to ten anonymous people. Whatever I feel like or want to say. So here I go, diving right in.

1. You're great, don't get me wrong. It's just there's a lot of things I don't neccesarily like about you. Like how you get so easily pissed off, how you seem to think that violence is the answer to everything, how you act like you're so bad, and how you're ruining your life right now.

2. Sometimes I wonder how you and I are still friends. We don't have that much in common anymore. We're growing apart constantly. And what is it we even talk about now adays? Your problems, I think, beceause what is there to talk about for me that I can actually tell you?

3. I don't see how we connected so well last Summer. Now we're really far apart from each other. Is it because you and I have both changed so much? Or is it because I know that you told someone one thing I made you SWEAR not to tell anyone. Or maybe it's just that I know you can't be trusted in general. You're an awesome person with a gigantic mouth.: (

4. You know how people always say that it hurts how much they love someone? Well, I don't think that they actually love someone all that much because love is too wonderful a thing to cause pain. I happen to know, because I love you so much I can't feel pain anymore( To a point, obviously.) I figured that out a little while ago. Pretty psychadelic, huh? Hee hee. I love you.: )

5. I hate how I'm really good friends with you, and yet I can get so easily annoyed with you. You just do things to wear my patience thin. It kills me!

6. We have an odd friendship. I don't know what keeps us as friends. And me being a really confrontational person, I don't understand why I'm not always telling you off. It confuses me.

7. Is it true that I've become really distant lately? Like I'm not really there anymore? I feel like that's the way people having been feeling I am lately. I might be, but I don't know. Is it true? You're the only person that would actually tell me straight out.

8. I'm so tired! This is crazy! I feel like I'm going to fall asleep, but I can't! I must stay awake! And I'm sorry if I accidently do fall asleep. That would be mean of me....

9. I don't know what it is. I don't know where it is. I don't know how it is. It just is.

10. I don't have a tenth thing to say.

That's it, that's all. Goodnight everybody!
-alisha a.

The Cause Isn't Lost

For all those you have loved
And all that you have lost
There may come times when you may think
That the cause is lost.

But simply do no fret
Though it may seem you must
Just remember that
The cause is not truly lost

One day when you're sad
Someone will come along
They will make it better
And things won't seem so lost

So before you throw the towel in
Remember what I've said
And make sure you wait for that perfect day
Before you pull the plug

-alisha a. 1/18/2008

Just a Quick Intro to Me

Hey yal! You might read my other blog,
Oh yeah. But yeah. I decided to make another one. This one will now contain all my Treachery's and etc. I may even start some poems. Landis describes the feeling of having a bunch of words running through your head and NEEDING to write them down. I finally know what she's been happening to me all day. And I started to formulate some verses in my head, but I felt like I needed to write stuff down I just couldn't until now. So yeah, I'll do that in a bit. Anyways, just thought that I should probably do a first intro blog quickly and then do other stuff. So talk at you later,