Friday, March 28, 2008

I Need To Write A Treachery

1) I don't hate you. I thought I told you that I didn't. Because you said that you knew I hated you, and that's not true. I thought I did, but I was just really upset. I was overeacting.

2) I really like you, it's just lately you've kind of been creeping me out. Like, alot. ALOT, ALOT, ALOT! I don't like having sexual talks with you. I honestly just don't!!!! It was bad enough what you were saying on Monday, but today it seriously like I wanted to go puke really badly. EWWW!!!!!

3) Thankyou SO MUCH for being there when everyone else is simply being douches!!!!!! At least in my mind, but thankyou so much!

4) Thankyou for being crazy, amazing, sexy legs(Total inside joke with you), random you. It's nice.=]

5) What you said hurt my feelings. Bet you didn't even know that I know you said it either. But what you said sounded a lot like," You're an awful person and I don't understand you, but it's okay cause I like you." Um, hello? Am I the only one who finds that offensive?!?!?!!?!

6) You're so stupid sometimes. I wish you would just stop trying to understand the way the female mind works-you never will! And then you have to ask me every single last thing and it must frustrates me!

7)You're awesome, but I don't like you that way. I'm sorry.

8) Leave me alone before I call the police!!!!!! What the fuck is your problem?!?!!?!?! I've asked you nicely, I've asked you not so nicely, and STILL you won't leave me alone!!! I don't want to go out with you so just drop the whole fucking subject! No more Ms. Nice Alisha. The gloves are off....

9) Love you more than anything but you're gettin on my nerves! Tone down the energy little girl or I'm going to crazy and wring your furry little neck!!!! Just kidding, but seriously tone it down a teensy bit. I'm going crazy!

10) This is to several people: AHEM!!!! I do not HAVE to go to the dance. It is my choice and I chose not to. I only told you that I had to choose between the dance and my cabin(Which is true but I wouldn't have gone to the dance even if I wasn't going to my cabin) because you are too shallow minded to understand the fact that of course I don't feel like going to the dance! Here's a list of reasons if you need that to understand:
- I am annoyed with just about everyone right now and would much rather be alone
- I can't remember the last time I went to a dance without a date and I didn't get asked by anyone that I wanted to go with
- I would only have gone if I really, really like the person who asked me. Look at the point above....
- Yes, there is someone I like who would take me if they could. But they don't happen to live anywhere around here. So don't even ask next time, please
- I can't dance because of my injury. I can't even walk on it, let alone dance
Is that good enough? I hope so.


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