Friday, March 28, 2008

A Quick F.Y.I....

Okay. So I've been thinking lately about how stressed out I've been. And I realized how much I loved my blog, cause it helped me get my feelings out. Well, I've never really cared for writing in diary form- it actually drives me crazy. But I can't get on my blog that often so I felt in a dilemma. Then I realized that I could write out stuff in a notebook like I would blog it, and then next time I got on my blog I could post it. So I've done that for a couple of days and what do you know I forgot my notebook at school! Another stupid Alisha moment for the books. Oh well. So, I'm just going to kind of write in a little bit. But if suddenly I have dated blogs coming in on the seemingly wrong days it's just me posting my entries.: ) Okay, talk to you in a bit....


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