Friday, March 28, 2008

Good Times on the Beach

Okay. So, I dunno what really to write about all of a sudden. That's really weird. Hmm...well I just had spring break. I went to Jamaica from March 15- 22. Before then I had had a really...trying week and so I was really glad to be going away. I woke up at about one in the morning to get ready to go and then on the plane ride there I listened to the Beatles on my iPod, singing Good Day Sunshine and Here Comes the Sun and a bunch of Bob Marley songs to get in the mood. Then we got to Jamaica after a way too long flight and it was SO NICE to feel that eighty degree heat after coming from twenty degree Minnesota weather. ACK! But yeah, I was pumped. Then I stuck my head out of the taxi on the way to our resort and I breathed in my favourite smell- the ocean. I closed my eyes and just focused on my perpetual joy of being in one place I truly love in the world(It wasn't my first time there). We got to the resort and we walked in the doors and the first two things I see are the ocean and a very cute boy. I decided right then and there that I was going to love this trip a lot. Then a person brings us fresh, tropical drinks while they bring our bags to our room and we get checked in. Then when I got in the elevator to go to our room the first time I saw the cute boy walk by. Pretty exciting.xD But yeah, so we settled into this awesome room with a view of the pool AND the ocean and then we spend the rest of the day at the pool and on the beach. Then for the next two days you can put the beach and pool thing on repeat. So, it was Monday, St. Patrick's Day. I had seen the cute boy(Who I literally called the cute boy to my parents) every once in awhile. Then on Monday night my parents made me go talk to him. And we became really good friends, even though I had this big crush on him. Then Tuesday was my accident day.*hides head in shame* I was outside on our balcony watching the ocean and listening to my iPod and my mom yelled at me from inside the room to get in. So, I try opening the door but it's stuck, yet again. It had a real tendency to get stuck. So yeah, I pull and pull and pull and finally pull it open and here this tearing noise. I look at my foot and see the door on top of it and I pushed it closed to find that the door had ripped my big toenail on my left foot up. It was bleeding badly and there was this huge screaming thing going on in my room and then I had to go to the nurse and I was hyperventilating and it was this huge ordeal. I had it wrapped up and stuff and I couldn't swim the rest of the trip.: ( But yeah, I just hung out with Chris(Cute boy's actual name) and talked stuff. He was leaving really early Friday morning so Thursday was my last day with him. So we didn't really see each other all day and then that night we started hanging out and then, I don't know. It feels too personal to say on the internet what happened. We just got really close at the end and spent a very nice five minutes making out on the beach and then he walked me to my room, gave me a goodbye kiss and I've never seen him since. It's kind of sad. But we've texting ALOT. But we kind of know deep down that we'll probably never see each other again. He's from Missouri, I'm a Minnesota girl. But yeah. I don't know. Just felt like writing about my trip I guess. Then I got home and was instantly frustrated with normal life again and all I've wanted is to get away from everyone and I came up to my cabin and it made me happy.=) Except Alisha had another bad abar experience today.= ( At my age you would think that the old guys would stop hitting on me. Maybe they're all too drunk. Or just icky. One guy said: Oh wait, you're not legal. You're not 18 yet.*shudder shudder shudder* Save me from the creepy men of the bars!


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