Friday, February 29, 2008

What Do You Do When You're Not Sure If Your Next Move Might Make You Commit Suicide

Hey there people of the blogging persuasion! My pants are amazing! I wore my hippie pants to school today and people signed them with sharpies. I'm pretty sure I have like, fifty peace signs on them.X D Pretty hilarious. And also, my parents finally know that I am a vegitard! And I'm surprised by how supportive they were. My dad was just like,"I think it's great-I just don't think that you can do it." But my mom went out and bought me a bunch of soy stuff, vegetables, and nuts to keep up my protein. Oh and protein rich yogurt too. Yummo! And also this means I can eat ALL THE PEANUT BUTTER I WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah. I'm really hungry right now, but I don't know what to eat. If anyone really knows me, they know that I hardly ever eat meals, I just eat a bunch of hodge podge crap. But now adays I've been eating alot helathier, which is a good thing. From what I ate before I should be a whale by now(haha). But yeah, it's pretty great. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Do you ever have things that you just want to scream about? I sure do. It sucks, especially when you don't really know how to get it off your chest either. The only way I can really do that know adays is through poetry(Which people are getting better at deciphering)and Treacheries(Which everyone scours through to figure out it one is about them). So yeah, I'm going to do a Treachery right now.

1. Thanks for supporting me. It's really nice that you can do that for me, it's just lately you've really figured out how to hit my last nerve. It's pissing me off.

2. Thanks for supporting me too. You're great and I really appreciate it. Sorry if I start boring you with my endless problems though....

3. God, I just want to slap you sometimes. You are so insensitive. You act like you're my best friend and you understand me and you act like the nicest guy in the world, and then when you get around the guys YOU have said to me are such assholes and that I should just ignore the things they say, when YOU get around them YOU act just like THEM!! I put up with it for way too long and you wonder why I told you just to stop talking to me and leave me alone!

4. I feel sorry for you sometimes. You can be a real creep sometimes, but you really are a nice guy. I just realized this is directed at two people. Well, you guys are nice guys and I feel bad for you because people are so mean to you. We have a-ahem, not so nice past, but I'm one of the few people actually nice to you. It's nice to know that you guys realize that and I'm glad that I can help make your miserable lives a little better.: ) I'm here for you guys!

5. I just want to scream at you right now! I'm so frustrated with you! Today I was literally fuming I was so frustrated! It's just getting on my nerves now, and I don't want to be nagging or whatever, but just, come on! See reason already!

6. Seriously, just stop! I am serious when I get up and scream at you! By who knows or cares reasons, my body is covered in bruises. Not entirely sure where they came from, but they cover my entire body! I'm sore day in and day out and I just don't want people poking me and making them worse. So just STOP poking me! I've told you so many times, it stopped being funny about the second time you did it. JUST STOP!

7. I really like you, it just gets hard sometimes. You really make it difficult for me. I don't think you really understand that though, so it's not really your fault. I try so hard not to do something that will make it harder for you or do anything that you won't like. Purely out of the goodness of my heart. We're friends, and friends make sacrifices for friends. But then you kind of either push me away or mention things that I'm doing wrong. It's exhausting.

8. I just want to know if I'm doing something wrong. What do you want me to do, I'll do anything.

9. Just so you know, I know that you didn't believe me for awhile. I know that. Just lettin you know....

10. I'm not paying attention to the obvious fact that you've told yet another person, mainly because I'm hoping to whatever anyone can possibly hope to that it'll just blow over. Shit man, you don't even know how bad things can get for you. You just wait til things start gettin way too hard for me and people start seeing my scary side. You'll be shittin your pants hoping I ain't comin for you boy. Which I'm not, but just trust me here, things won't be pretty if you tell the wrong person.

Oklie doklie, some afterthoughts. I haven't done this before. I guess it's just a message to some of the people I wrote these too.
3. I'm not kidding. I never want to talk to you again.

4. YOu guys just gotta be yourselves and try to find people you fit in with. Just keep trying.:J

5. I hate being mad at you, I really do.

7. You're awesome, I really like you as a friend. Really I do. I'm trying to be patient.

8. I'm sorry. I hate to do it, but I really have to. We can talk afterwards, but if I don't do it right I'll never be able to.

9. Not gonna tell you to your face though.

10. I'm not joking around here, you better not be either.

Okay, my life officially sucks. Today might possible be the worst night of my life, ahead of the previous worst day of my life which happens to be less than a month ago. Can't elaborate.: ( It sucks is all I can say.


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