Sunday, February 24, 2008


Something awful just happened to me. And unless you know me and know how important this is to me, you wouldn't understand. I'll sound like one of those girls that start crying when they chip a nail. But that's not how I am. This is just extrememly devastating for me- my necklace broke. It's my necklace that I never, ever take off. It has the drama symbol on it and it's like a good luck charm for me. I feel naked without it. It's made of pure gold, so I don't take it off when I sleep or shower. And I was just sitting here writing an email to my friend and it just fell off. I figure the clasp had been on funny( I adjust the clasp everyday), so I picked it up to put in on again and I noticed that the chain had broke. This is like a sign of ill fortune for me. The only times I've taken that necklace off in who knows how long was when I was at YIG at the Governor's Ball and it looked really bad with my dress, and one day when I was extremely depressed and my necklace only reminded me off why I was so depressed. ONLY TIMES! I, being a very superstitios person, could not have a worse thing happen to me luck wise. This sucks!!!!!!!! I just felt like I needed to tell someone( I'm at my cabin all by myself and none of my friends are online anymore)so I decided to blog about it. I'm going to post a poem I just wrote in a minute. Not really sure where this one came from, because it isn't really personal to me at all. I write poems like that on occasion.

- Alisha

1 comment:

TrubbleMaker said...

helloo..i sympathise..hopefully u'll be fine and you won't be struck by bad luk or whatever..maybe you could have gotten someone to fix it if it is fixable..oh well all the luck in life :)