Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hey There

I seriously wrote a really long blog just a little bit ago and then my computer was a bitch and decided it was messed up and closed the window and I threw a fit. This one's not even going to be half as good.: ( Oh well. I love my blog title. I changed it. Isn't it pretty amazing? It's cause my friend Landis and I have been called hippie whores before. Hee hee. It doesn't bother me. What people say about you shouldn't matter. I'm listening to Rent right now. I'm obsessed with Rent and Wicked right now. They're AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah. I told my friend Jostyn that I was obsessed with them and he was like," Oh thank God! My life is complete now!" It was pretty funny. I thought about it, and the role of Maureen in Rent is like, the perfect role for me. As an actress, I'm better at more ecstatic characters. Maureen is pretty out there.X D I'm going crazy right now! I'm waiting for someone to email me cause I really, REALLY need to talk to them about something, but they haven't been on all night. I know that they were on a little while ago, but I don't know if they checked their email. If they did I'm being totally ignored and I do not like that! ARGH! I am a frustrated cookie! Oh well, it's not the worst thing that could happen. And you've got to deal with what life gives you. I've decided that I tbe;oeve om fate, but most things in life are up to you to decide for. That was a big thing for me. I was havng trouble deciding whether or not I believed in God and what I believed in period. Then I just took some time to think it through and I decided what I believed. It's nice knowing.: ) I just hope that when I'm open with my parents about my new religion and me being a vegetarian they will except me. I'm already Buddhist and a vegetarian, I just haven't really told them yet. And they haven't realized it. It's kind of funny when you think about it, but it's not great being in my position. Oh well, I think I'll try to break it to them slowly. Like make little hints and then kind of work it up into the fact that I converted- I just won't tell them when. Same thing with being vegetarian. It's just my dad really hates vegetarians. He made fun of my friends when I said they were vegetarians. I hated that, cause that's when I was first starting out. He'll also really hate me being Buddhist. One time a few years ago he was talking to me and he said," I know that we don't go to church very often, but you need to believe in God..." and so on. It's making me feel like if I want to be who I am I have to make my parents hate me. But still, what can they really do? They can't MAKE me be any religion, and they can't FORCE me to eat meat. They can punish me, but maybe this is my chance to show them that I fight for the things that I love and believe in. They don't know that about me yet. That's kind of sad. My parents don't really know the real me, and I don't know whether it's their fault or mine. I'm so tired! I barely sleep anymore. MAYBE an hour and a half a night if I'm lucky. On the weekends I totally pass out. I sleep for like forever. Just go to sleep, right? Well, I just don't feel tired most of the time( I am right now though) and also I have these awful nightmares when I actually do sleep. Not fun. I have to go now, but I might write more later. Tata!
- Alisha

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