Friday, January 18, 2008

Treachery # 4( Read other blog for 1-3)

So, just in case you don't already know what my Treachery's are, they're the way I relieve stress. I write ten things to ten anonymous people. Whatever I feel like or want to say. So here I go, diving right in.

1. You're great, don't get me wrong. It's just there's a lot of things I don't neccesarily like about you. Like how you get so easily pissed off, how you seem to think that violence is the answer to everything, how you act like you're so bad, and how you're ruining your life right now.

2. Sometimes I wonder how you and I are still friends. We don't have that much in common anymore. We're growing apart constantly. And what is it we even talk about now adays? Your problems, I think, beceause what is there to talk about for me that I can actually tell you?

3. I don't see how we connected so well last Summer. Now we're really far apart from each other. Is it because you and I have both changed so much? Or is it because I know that you told someone one thing I made you SWEAR not to tell anyone. Or maybe it's just that I know you can't be trusted in general. You're an awesome person with a gigantic mouth.: (

4. You know how people always say that it hurts how much they love someone? Well, I don't think that they actually love someone all that much because love is too wonderful a thing to cause pain. I happen to know, because I love you so much I can't feel pain anymore( To a point, obviously.) I figured that out a little while ago. Pretty psychadelic, huh? Hee hee. I love you.: )

5. I hate how I'm really good friends with you, and yet I can get so easily annoyed with you. You just do things to wear my patience thin. It kills me!

6. We have an odd friendship. I don't know what keeps us as friends. And me being a really confrontational person, I don't understand why I'm not always telling you off. It confuses me.

7. Is it true that I've become really distant lately? Like I'm not really there anymore? I feel like that's the way people having been feeling I am lately. I might be, but I don't know. Is it true? You're the only person that would actually tell me straight out.

8. I'm so tired! This is crazy! I feel like I'm going to fall asleep, but I can't! I must stay awake! And I'm sorry if I accidently do fall asleep. That would be mean of me....

9. I don't know what it is. I don't know where it is. I don't know how it is. It just is.

10. I don't have a tenth thing to say.

That's it, that's all. Goodnight everybody!
-alisha a.

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