Saturday, January 19, 2008

You're Just Living Life

When things don't go your way
For the very longest time
And you start to feel like crap
You're just living life

You may feel all alone
Like no one knows you at all
It may seem like there's no love
But you're just living life

So when skies are dark and gray
The sun hasn't been out in weeks
Just remember the sun will come out
Because you're just living life

-alisha a. 1/19/2008

1 comment:

Landis said...

Wow this is really great Alisha I loved the repetiton in the last lines and the underlying message and just the general flow of words it's areally inspiring peace. I really think you should keep writing you've got some serious talent and you should nourish it:) It's areally unique style kinda quirky and offbeat and meaningful... you totally inspired me:)