Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm gonna die!


Sunday, January 20, 2008

When You're All Alone

What do you do when you're all alone
And no one comes your way
Do you allow your thoughts to wander
Do you let your mind stray?

What do you think when you're all alone
Where does your mind go
Do you think about your past
All the lies that were faux?

What do you feel when you're all alone
Where do your emotions lie
Do you feel sad to be by yourself
Do you let yourself cry?

What do you hear when you're all alone
Are there voices in your head
Do you scare and go to find
Instead a very good friend?

When you are no longer alone
And people are in your way
Does your mind still wander
Or do thoughts just go away?

When you are no longer alone
And a very special person is in your life
Do all "alone" worries go away
All your thoughts of strife?

When you are no longer alone
But thoughts still run through your head
They follow you all day long
And right on into bed,

Do they still worry you, darling
When you are again alone
Though a special person is on your mind
But now you are alone

Do worrisome thoughts come back again
Do they still haunt your mind
Even though things are happy
Do all thoughts have to be kind?

-alisha a. 1/20/2008

What do you wish for?

Please come here and tell me
When you wish on shining stars
What is it you wish for
With your wishing heart

Or do you prefer magic genies
Who live in magic lamps
Who will grant you THREE wishes
Except for more to spend

Or is it on your birthday cake
You close your eyes and blow
That you wish for wishing things
Once a year again

Or have you lost all hope
Like so many have
And you no longer wish for wishing things
Because you are so sad

But you know hope isn't lost
You can feel it in your heart
Wishing for things comes so naturally
You've ripped your heart apart

But you can still mend it
It isn't too late you see
Come and ask me about the time
When wishing didn't come as naturally

But then I was saved
And now it is plain to see
When I was no longer wishing
I still was wishing for him to come for me

-alisha a. 1/20/2008

Popping Up Pictures

Hey yal! If you haven't noticed, I seem to be adding a new picture with every new blog. And I pretty much am, so if that isn't just fantastic now I don't know what is.=] I'm pretty bored right now. None of my friends are online. Sad, huh? Yup. So, hm, I guess I'm just reporting that I'm continously adding stuff on here. Talk to you later( I'm gonna write another poem),
-alisha a.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

You're Just Living Life

When things don't go your way
For the very longest time
And you start to feel like crap
You're just living life

You may feel all alone
Like no one knows you at all
It may seem like there's no love
But you're just living life

So when skies are dark and gray
The sun hasn't been out in weeks
Just remember the sun will come out
Because you're just living life

-alisha a. 1/19/2008

I appreciate your thoughts*sarcasm*

Just so people know, I KNOW that I have had a blog that has been reported objectionable. I KNOW that. And all I have to say is," Oh my God! Thankyou so much! This is EXACTLY what I had wanted on THE DAY I got a new blog. Thankyou SO VERY MUCH!" That's just fantastic. But to be honest I don't really care all that much. Sure I think it's stupid and I'm pissed off about it, but it's not a huge deal. So yeah, it's not gonna stop me. But just wanted to let you know.
-alisha a.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Treachery # 4( Read other blog for 1-3)

So, just in case you don't already know what my Treachery's are, they're the way I relieve stress. I write ten things to ten anonymous people. Whatever I feel like or want to say. So here I go, diving right in.

1. You're great, don't get me wrong. It's just there's a lot of things I don't neccesarily like about you. Like how you get so easily pissed off, how you seem to think that violence is the answer to everything, how you act like you're so bad, and how you're ruining your life right now.

2. Sometimes I wonder how you and I are still friends. We don't have that much in common anymore. We're growing apart constantly. And what is it we even talk about now adays? Your problems, I think, beceause what is there to talk about for me that I can actually tell you?

3. I don't see how we connected so well last Summer. Now we're really far apart from each other. Is it because you and I have both changed so much? Or is it because I know that you told someone one thing I made you SWEAR not to tell anyone. Or maybe it's just that I know you can't be trusted in general. You're an awesome person with a gigantic mouth.: (

4. You know how people always say that it hurts how much they love someone? Well, I don't think that they actually love someone all that much because love is too wonderful a thing to cause pain. I happen to know, because I love you so much I can't feel pain anymore( To a point, obviously.) I figured that out a little while ago. Pretty psychadelic, huh? Hee hee. I love you.: )

5. I hate how I'm really good friends with you, and yet I can get so easily annoyed with you. You just do things to wear my patience thin. It kills me!

6. We have an odd friendship. I don't know what keeps us as friends. And me being a really confrontational person, I don't understand why I'm not always telling you off. It confuses me.

7. Is it true that I've become really distant lately? Like I'm not really there anymore? I feel like that's the way people having been feeling I am lately. I might be, but I don't know. Is it true? You're the only person that would actually tell me straight out.

8. I'm so tired! This is crazy! I feel like I'm going to fall asleep, but I can't! I must stay awake! And I'm sorry if I accidently do fall asleep. That would be mean of me....

9. I don't know what it is. I don't know where it is. I don't know how it is. It just is.

10. I don't have a tenth thing to say.

That's it, that's all. Goodnight everybody!
-alisha a.

The Cause Isn't Lost

For all those you have loved
And all that you have lost
There may come times when you may think
That the cause is lost.

But simply do no fret
Though it may seem you must
Just remember that
The cause is not truly lost

One day when you're sad
Someone will come along
They will make it better
And things won't seem so lost

So before you throw the towel in
Remember what I've said
And make sure you wait for that perfect day
Before you pull the plug

-alisha a. 1/18/2008

Just a Quick Intro to Me

Hey yal! You might read my other blog,
Oh yeah. But yeah. I decided to make another one. This one will now contain all my Treachery's and etc. I may even start some poems. Landis describes the feeling of having a bunch of words running through your head and NEEDING to write them down. I finally know what she's been happening to me all day. And I started to formulate some verses in my head, but I felt like I needed to write stuff down I just couldn't until now. So yeah, I'll do that in a bit. Anyways, just thought that I should probably do a first intro blog quickly and then do other stuff. So talk at you later,