Saturday, May 24, 2008

A Year Gone

Guess what! Guess what! Guess what, guess what, GUESS WHAT! Lots of newses to reportses. Well, one is I FINALLY got my haircut. First one since November- Holy buckets of Farce, I know! There's a picture of my new hairstyle, you know, the one, big picture that's posted in this blog. And I got some of my hair dyed purple last night! I hope none of my friends see this blog til later cause I wanted it to be a surprise for when I get back to school. But if they do, they will have to swear not to tell anyone else or I will personally use my own two hands to slaughter them! Yeah, the pacifist knows how to get down and dirty! I would share my other news, but that one is something that I don't think is honestly best put all over the internet-lol.xD

So, I'm going to be living at my cabin all summer, pretty much like last summer except that it's pretty much literally ALL summer that I'll be gone. I'm probably going to be catatonic by the time I get back to school. Haha. But not. I think that I should be fine this summer. Hopefully. I have only 7 full days of school left, and of those only 3 of them are normal school days without some sort of special event interrupting. I wonder where the school year went. I didn't want to start at the beggining, but then as I started going through the year I didn't want it to ever end because my friends would all be going different ways and I would be starting at a different school the next year. But by now I just want it to be over with, though I can't escape the little bit of anxiety about the summer. Hmmm, it's odd. I've overcome alot of obstacles this year. And so many things have happened to me. It seems like it started so long ago, yet it seems like it's been such a short expanse of time. I've been so unaware of everything going on around me this whole year. I've always beeen distracted by something. Hmmm, it's odd. I've overcome alot of obstacles this year. And so many things have happened to me. Like becoming vegetarian, discovering a million more bands and musicals that I love, seeing the best movies ever, falling in love, becoming myself, smothering every bit of white on my walls, doing everything that I used to be afraid to do because of my parents, setting myself free from a torture I've had for years, getting rid of one horrible boy, learning to see the beauty in myself for the first time, wearing naughty underwear in gym and laughing about it with my friends, letting my inhibitions go for one week, reading some really great books, seeing the great things about people, going in the sewers in the pouring rain, getting my ipod, coming to terms with my family, accepting myself for being me, becoming what I thought was cool years ago without trying, insomnia for weeks at a time, writing poems, saying, "Screw it, I'll just do it" way to many times to be acceptable, bursting into song and dance in public places daily, realizing that I only care what the people I love think of me, realizing that I'll never be what my family wants me to be and that that's what I want to be, and so much more. That wasn't meant to be such a long list. Well, I gotta go.

- Alisha

Friday, May 9, 2008

Gumption Gone

The courage to face the unknown
The courage to face the known
The courage to face your fears
To face the things not shown

The courage to face their face
The courage to suck up and face them
How do you do what you cannot do
How do you your own self condemn

To a life of long loneliness
How could you possibly stand
How can you let the silver lining
Slip right through your hands

The sands of time do not stay
The slip right through your hands
Yet you cannot jump up and say
What must be said while you still stand

The courage isn't there right now
You're not strong enough after all
How could things come to this
How could he let you fall

Betrayal is a harsh reality
A slap across the face
Yet all fiction comes from fact
All actions are emotion based

To thine own self be true
Can't apply when you aren't attatched
You feel feelings from a mile away
All hope has been smashed

You can't lie to yourself
Though your lies are fast and flow
You know you really do care
But you're afraid to show

You know way deep down
That you'll just let things go
And you'll never move on
Everyone is set on speed and you are set on slow

That candle flickers in the dark
The wind will blow it out
How can you just decide
To leave the light and pout

- Alisha 5/9/ 2008